Photo of Edgar Gutierrez United States

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The career of Edgar Gutierrez has been marked by the constant search for the continuum and will find in each work, each painting, with constant fluctuation theme. Since he began his plastic language with the series, "Beings metamorphic" (1980-1984), with the use of a marine element called "barnacles", influenced by the Surrealist art of Yves Tanguy, Rene Magritte and...

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48.03 x 60.04 in
55.12 x 55.12 in
55.12 x 55.12 in
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Photo of Edgar Gutierrez United States


The career of Edgar Gutierrez has been marked by the constant search for the continuum and will find in each work, each painting, with constant fluctuation theme. Since he began his plastic language with the series, "Beings metamorphic" (1980-1984), with the use of a marine element called "barnacles", influenced by the Surrealist art of Yves Tanguy, Rene Magritte and Salvador Dali, continuous with the vegetation-animal "Aveflora" (1984-1987) and the variety of the everyday life of "Signs of Life" (1987-1990). Then begin to appear ethereal characters with hats and mustaches, alluding to General Juan Vicente Gomez and his late father Mr. Carlos Luis Montiel, series title: "Anecdotal Ones" (1991-1995) and which begins to define the originality of his proposal and reasons for its departure for the United States of America for the purpose of continuing the research on materials technology to use in their next works.

In 1993 it developed two major series in his artistic career, "Polictikus" (works of several) and "Index" (works based on content pages in magazines), which combines the characters of the previous series with divisions and extensions more abstract, which are well known cosmic detail of one eye with features surreal, making these new expressions, the art critic of Percia Vicente (Brazil), aptly defined as "Looks at Looks "

From 1997 he began a new series called "From the Garden of the Spirit" evolutionary product of the search not only of his work if not his spiritual self.

Edgar Gutierrez's work has acquired a full maturity, with more chromatic and textural richness. Among the elements characteristic of his work highlights a fantastic figures, both male characters with individual hats and thick mustache, and also beautiful females, adorned with fine hats and sometimes accompanied by dogs, cats, horses, or looking fish fossil; surrounded by everyday objects. All these elements are drawn at the time of printing the material, thus obtaining a kind of calligraphic symbology by way of textured cuts. But the most interesting element is the detail of "a one eye "element which the artist describes," as a window for discovery of the human person, his inner cosmos, spirituality, is the mirror that lets you see your soul. " The inspiration for both his work and your spiritual being has been the Bible text Matthew 6:22, "The lamp of the body is the eye, so if your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light."

Within this thematic range, Edgar Gutierrez made a series of large faces that embrace all the dimensions of the canvas or paper, in these interesting faces we see that the diligent eye integrates the atmosphere of the play, an inside look at position upward as if we indicate the way forward.

Each painting is the artist himself, self portrait, a host of forces creative, a man with an imprint that defines it, a being who continues to live his own life. Lines and depths unimaginable subtleties, atmospheric concepts, codes, signs, symbols and divisions. The brightness and eroded, still shots and movements, gestures textured, close to a burning instinct, visceral and deeply spiritual, inward look, strokes and colors that vibrate, woven fabrics or not, that heart throbbing with life.

Charles L. Montielesku, Art Critic


"Self-portraits show the artist in front of his own image and a surrounding environment. Neither self-portraits, or the eyes of characters known Gutierrez included in his work, are only self-references, covering a wider field involving the society in a general context within and outside of Venezuela. "

Vicente de Persia, Essayist-Critical (AICA)


"The paintings of Edgar Gutierrez are transcision rituals in a drama of color, shadow and light. It is difficult to compare this work with examples of past styles. Certainly, he owes a debt of gratitude to the surrealist school, but he surpasses This simplistic labeling and needs to be seen in own light. Far deeper and richer in color than most other Surrealists, Gutierrez creates a space of infinite depth using a technique that starts with a spread to Pollock. Considering that the painting of the School of Abstract Expressionism was directly influenced by the Surrealist technique of automatic drawing, is it appropriate for scattered acts as the general life of the piece in which he manipulates his forms. This shapes and colored shapes that float in and around the web waiting to be frozen in space. When they take shape, the resulting images are sometimes recognizable, sometimes not. "

THE PATERSON Fredrick MUSEUM Duignan, Curator of Contemporary Art

EDGAR GUTIERREZ, Curriculum Vitae

Born in Maracaibo, Venezuela in 1957.Gutierrez Neptalí Corner Studio at the School of Visual Arts. From 1977 to 1982. I have complete art historical studies at the Cecilio Acosta University (Masters in Fine Arts), in Maracaibo, Venezuela from 1984 to 1989.


2009 Edgar Gutierrez: The Kingdom's Textures

Zelda Glazer Gallery, Miami, Florida, USA

2007 Edgar Gutierrez: Kingdom's Horses

Northern Group Gallery, Eurobuilding, Caracas, Venezuela

2006 Room Edgar Gutierrez

Northern Group Gallery, Eurobuilding, Caracas, Venezuela

Edgar Gutierrez 2005: Faces I

ACC Studio Gallery, Miami Beach, Florida, USA

2003 Gutierrez, Art in the Citi

Benefiting Alzheimer's Association, FSB Citibank Financial Center Surfside, Bal Harbour, Florida, USA

From Spirit's Garden 2001, Custom Collection DCOTA,

Dania Beach, Florida, USA

1998 Garden of the Spirit, Space Venezuela

Miami, Florida, USA

1997 Inner Look

The Paterson Museum, New Jersey, USA

1996 Edgar Gutierrez, Recent Works

The Castillete of Reveron, Cultural Space Maruma Hotel Internacional, Maracaibo, Venezuela.

1995 New Paintings,

Nostrum Art Gallery, Maracaibo, Venezuela

Looking at 1995 Glances

Arquideco Art Gallery, Coral Gables, Florida, USA

1993 Edgar Gutierrez, Recent Works

San Juan Conservation Studio Fine Arts Gallery, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Exodus 1991

Equus Art Center, Maracaibo, Venezuela.

Recent Works 1991

Lincoln Gallery, Centro Cultural Colombo-Americano, Barranquilla, Colombia

1989 Signs of Life, A Momentary Lapse of Reason

Centro de Arte Moderno Sieve, Maracaibo, Venezuela

Signs of Life 1989

Alliance Francaise Gallery, Barquisimeto, Venezuela

Untitled Dreams 1988

Mayz Lyon Gallery, Caracas, Venezuela.

1987 Aveflora

Center Art / Gallery Epoca, Maracaibo, Venezuela.

Between 1986 and Solitudes Crickets

Municipal Museum of Graphic Arts, Maracaibo, Venezuela.

1982 Against All Parties

Gallery Central Bank of Venezuela, Maracaibo, Venezuela.


2010 5 Nations, A Bicentennial
Gallery of the Cultural Institute of Mexico
Miami, Florida, USA

2009 Por Amor Al Arte

Doral Cultural Art Gallery, Miami, Florida, USA

2008 Art Auction Step by Step Foundation

Segnini Durban Gallery, Coral Gables, Florida, USA

2005 Made in Venezuela

ACC Studio Gallery, Miami Beach, Florida, USA

2004 First Exhibition of Painting Venezolana

Jose Maria Vargas University Gallery, Pembroke Pines, Florida, USA

2004 Venezuela Contemporanea

Hatman Art Space, Coral Gables, Florida, USA

Leasing 2003 Blue Art Show

Coral Gables, Florida, USA

2003 Stacked-up 4 x 8

Artopia Art Gallery, Wynwood, Florida, USA

2002 Second Bolivarian Artists Exhibition

General Cosul Gallery of Colombia, Coral Gables, Miami, Florida, USA

2002 Summer Art Show

Custom Collection DCOTA, Dania Beach, Florida, USA

Sample Sale 2001 Art show

Custom Collection DCOTA, Dania Beach, Florida, USA

1998 Color Corner

Graham Center Gallery, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA

1996 Summer Show

Spectum Art Gallery, North Miami Beach, USA

1995 The most important art of the Decade of the '90s

Arquideco Art Gallery, Coral Gables, Florida, USA

1994 Latin American Artists

The Roger Smith Gallery, New York, USA

1993 The Color of Thought

New York University Gallery, New York, USA

1993 7 Artists, Art Zulianos Venezuelan

Museo de Arte Costarricense, Costa Rica, Central America.

1993 Art Miami International Exposition '93

Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami Beach, Florida, USA

1992 18 Artists Zulianos-Arte Venezolano

Art and History Museum, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Venezuela 1992 Painting: Eduardo Barcenas, Edgar Gutierrez

San Juan Conservation Fine Arts Gallery, Puerto Rico

1991 Ten-Arte Venezolano del Zulia,

Museo de Arte Moderno, Cartagena, Colombia.

1991 Ten-Arte Venezolano del Zulia

Gallery School, Faculty of Fine Arts, Universidad del Atlantico, Barranquilla, Colombia

1991 Ten-Arte Venezolano del Zulia

Bolivarian Museum of Contemporary Art , Santa Marta, Colombia

1990 Two Worlds, 11 Artists Zulianos

Tribute to Sofia Imber, Cultural Complex "Simon Bolivar", peonies, Venezuela

1990 II Salon's Painting Biennial of the Colombo-Venezuelan border

Directorate of Culture and Fine Arts, Division of Culture and Tourism of the Municipality of Pamplona, Municipal Cultural Centre of the Municipality of Cucuta

1990 Art Salon III Visually East

Ateneo de Cumana, Sucre State, Venezuela

1990 I Bienal de Arte de Merida

Museum of Modern Art in Merida, Venezuela

1990 Space, Color and Fire

Equus Art Center, Maracaibo, Venezuela

1990 8-8 National Awards Zulianos Artists

Multiple Room 2000, Casas-Gonzalez Rubio Rincon & Associates, Maracaibo, Venezuela

1989 Tapestry, 23 Venezuelan Artists

Gallery Germano-Latin American Society,

Frankfurt, Germany.

1989 Tapestry, 23 Venezuelan Artists

Ibero Club Gallery, Bonn, Germany

1989 Tapestry, 23 Venezuelan Artists

Germano-Venezuelan Association Gallery, Munich, Germany

1989 Tapestry, 23 Venezuelan Artists

Imperial Palace, Munich, Germany.

1989 Tapestry, 23 Venezuelan Artists

Cullen Center, Houston, Texas, USA

Venezuelan Art 1989

Bolivar Hall Gallery, London, England.

1988 The Wonderful World of Fine Arts

Visual Arts Gallery, LUZ, Maracaibo, Venezuela

1988 Tapestry, 23 Zulianos Artists Workshop in Mali-Mai

Centro de Bellas Artes, Maracaibo, Venezuela

Museo de Barquisimeto, Lara State, Venezuela

Museum of Art 1987 Light Road, Guest Artists

Visual Arts Gallery, LUZ, Maracaibo, Venezuela

1986 II Biennale of Visual Arts "Ciudad de Maracaibo"

July Arraga Gallery, Maracaibo, Venezuela

1986 Tribute to the National Plastic Artist

Lake Country Club Gallery, Maracaibo, Venezuela

1985 36 Artists Venezolanos

July Arraga Gallery, Maracaibo, Venezuela

1985 The Nude, National Plastic Artist Day

Visual Arts Gallery, LUZ, Maracaibo, Venezuela

Recent Works 1985 1985

Low room / Centro de Bellas Artes, Maracaibo, Venezuela

Venezuelan Painters XVI 1984

Casa de la Cultura de Saltillo, Cohuila DF, Mexico.

1984 I Biennale of Visual Arts "Ciudad de Maracaibo"

Sala Julio Arraga, Maracaibo, Venezuela

1984 V Annual Art Salon West

Corpoandes Gallery, Merida, Venezuela

1984 ART 84, Seven Young Painters

Sala Julio Arraga, Maracaibo, Venezuela

XLI 1983 National Salon of Art "Arturo Michelena"

Ateneo de Valencia, Venezuela

1983 VIII National Art Salon Aragua

Art Museum of Maracay, Venezuela

1983 Artists of Zulia 1983

Sala Julio Arraga, Maracaibo, Venezuela

1983 Artists of Zulia

Gallery Angel Boscan, UCV, Caracas, Venezuela

Auction 1983 "Solidarity with Nicaragua"

Visual Arts Gallery, LUZ, Maracaibo, Venezuela

1983 National Young Artists Salon

Guipuzcuoana House, Fundarte, Distrito Federal, Venezuela

1982 National Biennial of Drawing and Engraving

National Art Gallery, Caracas, Venezuela.

XL 1982 National Salon of Art "Arturo Michelena"

Ateneo de Valencia, Valencia, Venezuela

1982 VII National Art Salon Aragua

Art Museum of Maracay, Venezuela

I Salon 1981 Regional Art Cuevas Filisberto "

July Arraga Gallery, Maracaibo, Vene

Drawing 1980 "Group TODAY

Centro de Bellas Artes, Maracaibo, Venezuela


2004 First Prize in Painting

Center for the Arts in Bonita Springs, Naples, Florida, USA

1996 Concecorated "Armando Reveron"

Department of Culture, Maracaibo, Venezuela.

1987 First Prize in Drawing

II Biennial Grant Petroleum Magazine, Museum of Graphic Arts, Maracaibo, Venezuela

1985 First Prize in Painting

I Biennal Grant Petroleum Magazine, July Arraga Gallery, Maracaibo, Venezuela

1984 First Prize in Painting

I Biennial of Visual Arts Gallery in July Arraga, Ministry of Culture, Maracaibo, Venezuela.

1981 First Prize in Painting

I Salon Regional Art Filisberto Cuevas, Julio Arraga Gallery, Maracaibo, Venezuela


Municipal Museum of Graphic Arts, Maracaibo, Venezuela

Ministry of Culture of the State of Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela

French Alliance, Barquisimeto, Venezuela

Fundacion Polar / Polar Foundation

Construction Bank, Venezuela

Principal Bank, Venezuela

Banco Occidental de Descuento, Venezuela

Maracaibo Bank NV / Aruba, Netherlands Antilles

Banco de Maracaibo Gallery

Petrochemical of Venezuela, PEQUIVEN

Diario Panorama / Panorama Newspaper

Antonio Rodriguez, Caracas, Venezuela

Mario Leiderman Libman, Maracaibo, Venezuela

Matias Bernaez Lights, New Jersey, USA.

Douglas Mavarez, Miami, Florida, USA.

Mila and Marco Molko, Miami, Florida, USA.

Private Collections in Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, France,

England, Germany, Swede and United States.






Torres de las Americas, Punta Pacifica, PB. Panama
507 2015550/507 64008835


Emiliano Gutierrez Bencomo, Director. 261 323 4519

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